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Information about Mayflower Place Condos

  • As of 12/01/08, the new MPCA website will be launched. Unit owners and/or tenants may access it at You must log in to the site via the prompt on the left side of the main page. For initial entry, each unit owner and/or tenant will be given an individual username and password. Once logged in, unit owners and/or tenants can modify their passwords, which should be kept confidential.

  • The website provides the following information/functions:

    • Parking Rules & Regulations;

    • Guest Parking Reservations;

    • Alternative Overnight Guest Parking Options;

    • List of owners and/or tenants for all units (password protected);

    • Bulletin board for basic information and/or general MPCA news (managed by the Trustees); and

    • Forum for interactive question and answer posts.

On the left side of the main page, there is a link to the Guest Parking Reservations system. Here, unit owners and/or tenants may make reservations for guest parking by searching for the desired date(s) and clicking on the appropriate button to reserve guest spot A, B or C. The system will automatically recognize the owner’s unit and/or tenant's and sign them up. Once reserved, a blue "x" box will appear next to the unit number, which may be clicked to cancel the reservation until the day of the reservation. Other unit owners and/or tenants may not modify (overwrite) another unit owner’s and/or tenant's entry, and no entries may be modified (erased) once the dates have passed. (However, a Trustees-only sign-in account allows for the above rules to be overridden in select circumstances.)